Easing animal and human suffering through the direct action of people who care.



February 7, 2014

February 7, 2014:


The Bernheim Foundation has selected Julia Faye to serve as its new Executive Director, beginning February 7, 2010.  Executive Director is an unpaid, purely volunteer position, like all others at The Bernheim Foundation.  

As Executive Director, Julia Faye is in charge of all of the Foundations day to day operations. She approves and supervises all direct action projects. The Foundations past direct action projects include:

delivering free sleeping bags to LAs homeless during bad weather

bringing large quantities of needed supplies to Los Angeles animal shelters

finding great forever homes for hard to place companion animals

At the request of LAAS, creating and installing signage at LA city shelters

Delivering warm clothes to LAs homeless during the winter

Designing, assembling and delivering self care kits to LAs homeless  

The Bernheim Foundation and its founder also provide financial support to worthy charitable organizations, and have donated more than one million dollars so far. As Executive Director, Julia Fayes responsibilities include evaluating whether their activities are consistent with The Bernheim Foundations mission statement.

Julia Fayes passion for animal welfare began as a child in Wisconsin. She has rescued countless animals, many of which were injured or had other special needs. With her husband, she is currently the guardian of nine rescued dogs.  

She is the author of several published childrens and parenting books which contain important animal-related teaching messages for children.  Her books emphasize positivity and self esteem, which Julia Faye regards as two of the most important messages children and adults must receive and provide.